Cognitive Work

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has emerged as a highly-favoured tool in professional clinical circles in the last fifteen to twenty years.

CBT is found to be extremely effective over a course of, typically, 15 to 20 sessions – which is much less than the average traditional course of psychotherapy.

In contrast to traditional modes of psychotherapy, CBT does not go into the past and attempt to resolve an issue by extracting the root cause; instead, it stays in the present and works to change current thinking and responses so that the client learns to overcome the issue adopt new behaviour.

This is done by having the client recognise the thought process or pattern (schema) which produces a standard response then, typically changing response/behaviour through a series of incremental steps, regulated by various forms of self-assessment.

Much of this is almost identical to NLP and coaching procedures, with other therapy techniques also practised as standard in hypnotherapy. However, despite its many similarities to non-clinical practises, CBT is a highly-regulated therapy technique practised face-to-face between a qualified psychotherapist and his/her patients. Therefore, the cognitive work that we include within ThinkWell-LiveWell should be seen as an extract of CBT itself.

One of the core principles of CBT is that the subject assumes shared control and responsibility within the process. Thus the result is delivered by and for yourself, and not by an external agent. We promote this principle as far as we possibly can within ThinkWell-LiveWell.

How We Use Cognitive Work

Monitoring your progress helps you to take control and change things up as and when you feel it necessary. Before and after your daily online session we ask you to use your self-measurement tool.

We promote self-questioning and internal dialogue within many of our sessions, often introducing imagined third parties as the catalyst for openness and honesty. Many of our most impactful in-session techniques are cognitive/ coaching/NLP techniques.

Most obviously, we offer offline ‘self-help’ exercises which are a progressive series of distilled coaching and cognitive ‘self-questioning’ exercises, designed to help you recognise and then change unhelpful thinking patterns and perceptions.

Download the “How We Use “Cognitive Work” PDF.